happy dog profi line high energy 20kg


Are you looking for low-price, high-quality dog food? NaturCroq Lamb Rice is a balanced dry dog food at a budget price. Whether your dog is a gourmet or loves to wolf down their food, they’re sure to love NaturCroq Lamb Rice dry food. This healthy dog food is every dog’s dream food. With tasty lamb, fish and rice, and valuable herbs, this dry food provides your dog with all the nutrients and vitamins they need. The natural ingredients also make NaturCroq Dry Food for Dogs especially easy to digest. Its nutrient content is optimally tailored to the energy needs of adult dogs. So nothing need stand in the way of a busy dog’s active life. Would your four-legged friend like a little variety in their bowl? Then try our other products as well: Happy Dog Supreme Sensible Ireland with salmon rabbit, NaturCroq Beef Rice, NaturCroq Balance for more active dogs, NaturCroq XXL for large breed dogs, and NaturCroq Active for performance and sporting dogs. For older dogs and senior dogs we recommend Happy Dog Supreme Senior. For puppies we offer the dry food in our Supreme Young line. Do you want to know the right way to feed your dog? Our experts at the Happy Dog Service Centre will be glad to help you.

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